#Gangstalking #AI #MACHINE #Quantum Computer #Matrix #CellTowers/Phones #SmartGrid #Synchronization #Surveillance #TargetedIndividual #TargetedToo

Example One — This is what #TIs go thru on a daily bases. The Artificial Intelligence that’s in the literal air in a Sentient Worldwide Simulation created for the NSA — it’s why the collected all the date on everyone, in particular, Americans. This is highly advanced technological weaponization of surveillance before your eyes going on in your neighborhoods across the US and abroad, especially the five eye nations.

Predictive Programming

The EyeOpener- Sentient World Simulation: Meet Your DoD Clone –


Below video is from a whistleblower, former Amazon security insider and DARPA (CERN/DWAVE) synchronization of humanity; yes, Amazon has made billions on US taxpayers to SURVEIL everything we do – See Wikileaks ‘On the Take and lovingvb  it.’ and his last video when they pulled it/him off air talking about the Nanites in the air.

To understand what’s going on… think of the Matrix, a simulation, synthetic from Chemtrail spraying and the electronic grid via smartphones to the cell towers to a black box that goes to Ft. Meade, MD and from there to the NSA’s Utah facility where all of our data goes in a literal second of time… to super computers that communicate with computers that work in the air–the ether… quantum computers. It’s heavy physics but its what’s going on.


Read over some of the informative links provide below. You can email me with questions or leave a response.

HERE”s the CLINCHER-– TIs are REAL inside this REEL. Whereas everyone else are BACKDROPS – they’re minds are COPIES of the actual real brain in their super computer, for complete CONTROL – hence perps, neighbors and everyone else. Its not them.  CIA DOD DARPA is your perpetrators controlling situations in the simulation. Unlike everyone else, we stood up to them over finances and politics, whistleblew, dissented became activists after they did us horridly wrong –the rest are asleep. We did the right thing.. we get it.  We see injustice and go by the law, hence to make us look lawless, corrupted. Most TIs hold PhDs, Bachelor degrees, etc. Yet fail to see the skits, the simulation run by the NSA and CIA and DOD (DARPA).

Once you understand their keys to this matrix, you become very dangerous to them.

Another Example: — the only thing you’re not seeing is the matrix before your eyes. Logic has left the room. Grab it back and your self-awareness. Step back from your story–how you got on the list and see the bigger picture–this is run by highly advanced cloud-computing smart grid synthetics (Chemtrails) super quantum computers — the NSA is running a worldwide ‘simulation.’

Learn more of gangstalking really is — its a simulation by the NSA-CIA & Dept. of Defense and its worldwide.

Manifestation of Chaos & Simulation Theory – YouTube —

Sentient World Simulation Archives | Take The RedPill! — https://www.redpillinfowar.com/category/sentient-world-simulation/.

Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations – Wikipedia — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_Environment_for_Analysis_and_Simulations?fbclid=IwAR3jhkraSWjbvhux9SeYBpQ3cN2W2sBln45F53KFcMLM1R5N72iwLgMWRyg#Sentient_World_Simulation.

What you need to know about the SENTIENT WORLD SIMULATION and VIRTUAL REALITY – YouTube

The Matrix all around us — testing highly advanced artificial intelligent run quantum to the cubic computers–they wanted complete control, the Internet of all things. Dr. Robert Duncan worked on these targeting technologies to control humanity, regrettably compartmentalized unknowingly… he learned that his work was for targeting and spoke out and was targeted for doing so. He whistle blew on Jesse Ventura’s show, Brain Invaders on Conspiracy Theory.

  • Gerald Clark – Former DARPA employee – How to Break Out of the Matrix – Meat Modem – YouTube

Video 119: The Grid and how to Exit the Matrix