RAMOLAD | FEMA HDS WHISTLEBLOWER Celeste Solum | BREAKING NEWS: Havana Syndrome in Public Cognitive Warfare Next? (Newsbreak 143) Feb 21, 2022

Feb 21, 2022: Newsbreak 143 | Celeste Solum | BREAKING NEWS: Havana Syndrome in Public Cognitive Warfare Next?

Explosive information from military sources suggest Havana Syndrome on a large scale may be headed the public’s way, the intention insidious neurodamage as evident in the cases of diplomats and spies apparently caught in a hot war involving many countries, says Celeste Solum.

Obfuscation #Surveillance #Orwellian #Online #Privacy — How we can evade, protest, and sabotage today’s pervasive digital surveillance by deploying more data, not less—and why we should.

Mit Press — Summary (Protection Online)

How we can evade, protest, and sabotage today’s pervasive digital surveillance by deploying more data, not less—and why we should.

With Obfuscation, Finn Brunton and Helen Nissenbaum mean to start a revolution. They are calling us not to the barricades but to our computers, offering us ways to fight today’s pervasive digital surveillance—the collection of our data by governments, corporations, advertisers, and hackers. To the toolkit of privacy protecting techniques and projects, they propose adding obfuscation: the deliberate use of ambiguous, confusing, or misleading information to interfere with surveillance and data collection projects. Brunton and Nissenbaum provide tools and a rationale for evasion, noncompliance, refusal, even sabotage—especially for average users, those of us not in a position to opt out or exert control over data about ourselves. Obfuscation will teach users to push back, software developers to keep their user data safe, and policy makers to gather data without misusing it.

Brunton and Nissenbaum present a guide to the forms and formats that obfuscation has taken and explain how to craft its implementation to suit the goal and the adversary. They describe a series of historical and contemporary examples, including radar chaff deployed by World War II pilots, Twitter bots that hobbled the social media strategy of popular protest movements, and software that can camouflage users’ search queries and stymie online advertising. They go on to consider obfuscation in more general terms, discussing why obfuscation is necessary, whether it is justified, how it works, and how it can be integrated with other privacy practices and technologies.

Learn more here & grab the add-on: Obfuscation | The MIT Press

This Is How Tyranny Rises and Freedom Falls: The Experiment in Freedom Is Failing

We are being ruled by a government of scoundrels, spies, thugs, thieves, gangsters, ruffians, rapists, extortionists, bounty hunters, battle-ready warriors and cold-blooded killers who communicate using a language of force and oppression– John Whitehead

Every day I ask myself the same question: How can this be happening in America? How can people like these be in charge of our country? If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I’d think I was having a hallucination.—Philip Roth, novelist

It is easy to be distracted right now by the circus politics that have dominated the news headlines for the past year, but don’t be distracted.

Don’t be fooled, not even a little, no matter how tempting it seems to just take a peek.

We’re being subjected to the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.

This is how tyranny rises and freedom falls.

What characterizes American government today is not so much dysfunctional politics as it is ruthlessly contrived governance carried out behind the entertaining, distracting and disingenuous curtain of political theater. And what political theater it is, diabolically Shakespearean at times, full of sound and fury, yet in the end, signifying nothing.

We are being ruled by a government of scoundrels, spies, thugs, thieves, gangsters, ruffians, rapists, extortionists, bounty hunters, battle-ready warriors and cold-blooded killers who communicate using a language of force and oppression.

Our nation of sheep has, as was foretold, given rise to a government of wolves.

The U.S. government now poses the greatest threat to our freedoms.

More than terrorism, more than domestic extremism, more than gun violence and organized crime, even more than the perceived threat posed by any single politician, the U.S. government remains a greater menace to the life, liberty and property of its citizens than any of the so-called dangers from which the government claims to protect us.

This has been true of virtually every occupant of the White House in recent years.

Unfortunately, nothing has changed for the better since Donald Trump ascended to the Oval Office.

Indeed, Trump may be the smartest move yet by the powers-that-be to keep the citizenry divided and at each other’s throats, because as long as we’re busy fighting each other, we’ll never manage to present a unified front against tyranny in any form.

As American satirist H.L. Mencken predicted almost a century ago:

“All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

In other words, nothing has changed, folks.

The facts speak for themselves.

We’re being robbed blind by a government of thieves. Americans no longer have any real protection against government agents empowered to seize private property at will. For instance, police agencies under the guise of asset forfeiture laws are taking Americans’ personal property based on little more than a suspicion of criminal activity and keeping it for their own profit and gain. In one case, police seized $53,000 from the manager of a Christian rock bandthat was touring and raising money for an orphanage in Thailand. Despite finding no evidence of wrongdoing, police kept the money. Homeowners are losing their homes over nonpayment of taxes (for as little as $400 owed) and municipal bills such as water or sewer fees that amount to a fraction of what they have invested in their homes. And then there’s the Drug Enforcement Agency, which has been searching train and airline passengers and pocketing their cash, without ever charging them with a crime.

We’re being taken advantage of by a government of scoundrels, idiots and cowards. Mencken calculated that “Congress consists of one-third, more or less, scoundrels; two-thirds, more or less, idiots; and three-thirds, more or less, poltroons.” By and large, Americans seem to agree. When you’ve got government representatives who spend a large chunk of their work hours fundraising, being feted by lobbyists, shuffling through a lucrative revolving door between public service and lobbying, and making themselves available to anyone with enough money to secure access to a congressional office, you’re in the clutches of a corrupt oligarchy. Mind you, these same elected officials rarely read the legislation they’re enacting, nor do they seem capable of enacting much legislation that actually helps the plight of the American citizen. More often than not, the legislation lands the citizenry in worse straits.

We’re being locked up by a government of greedy jailers. We have become a carceral state, spending three times more on our prisons than on our schools and imprisoning close to a quarter of the world’s prisoners, despite the fact that crime is at an all-time low and the U.S. makes up only 5% of the world’s population. The rise of overcriminalization and profit-driven private prisons provides even greater incentives for locking up American citizens for such non-violent “crimes” as having an overgrown lawn. As the Boston Review points out, “America’s contemporary system of policing, courts, imprisonment, and parole … makes money through asset forfeiture, lucrative public contracts from private service providers, and by directly extracting revenue and unpaid labor from populations of color and the poor. In states and municipalities throughout the country, the criminal justice system defrays costs by forcing prisoners and their families to pay for punishment. It also allows private service providers to charge outrageous fees for everyday needs such as telephone calls. As a result people facing even minor criminal charges can easily find themselves trapped in a self-perpetuating cycle of debt, criminalization, and incarceration.”

We’re being spied on by a government of Peeping Toms. The government is watching everything you do, reading everything you write, listening to everything you say, and monitoring everything you spend. Omnipresent surveillance is paving the way for government programs that profile citizens, document their behavior and attempt to predict what they might do in the future, whether it’s what they might buy, what politician they might support, or what kinds of crimes they might commit. The impact of this far-reaching surveillance, according to Psychology Today, is “reduced trust, increased conformity, and even diminished civic participation.” As technology analyst Jillian C. York concludes, “Mass surveillance without due process—whether undertaken by the government of Bahrain, Russia, the US, or anywhere in between—threatens to stifle and smother that dissent, leaving in its wake a populace cowed by fear.”

We’re being ravaged by a government of ruffians, rapists and killers. It’s not just the police shootings of unarmed citizens that are worrisome. It’s the SWAT team raids gone wrongmore than 80,000 annually—that are leaving innocent citizens wounded, children terrorized and family pets killed. It’s the roadside strip searches—in some cases, cavity searches of men and women alike carried out in full view of the public—in pursuit of drugs that are never found. It’s the potentially lethal—and unwarranted—use of so-called “nonlethal” weapons such as tasers on children for “mouthing off to a police officer. For trying to run from the principal’s office. For, at the age of 12, getting into a fight with another girl.”

We’re being forced to surrender our freedoms—and those of our children—to a government of extortionists, money launderers and professional pirates. The American people have repeatedly been sold a bill of goods about how the government needs more money, more expansive powers, and more secrecy (secret courts, secret budgets, secret military campaigns, secret surveillance) in order to keep us safe. Under the guise of fighting its wars on terror, drugs and now domestic extremism, the government has spent billions in taxpayer dollars on endless wars that have notended terrorism but merely sown the seeds of blowback, surveillance programs that have caught few terrorists while subjecting all Americans to a surveillance society, and militarized police that have done little to decrease crime while turning communities into warzones. Not surprisingly, the primary ones to benefit from these government exercises in legal money laundering have been the corporations, lobbyists and politicians who inflict them on a trusting public.

We’re being held at gunpoint by a government of soldiers: a standing army. As if it weren’t enough that the American military empire stretches around the globe (and continues to leech much-needed resources from the American economy), the U.S. government is creating its own standing army of militarized police and teams of weaponized bureaucrats. These civilian employees are being armed to the hilt with guns, ammunition and military-style equipment; authorized to make arrests; and trained in military tactics. Among the agencies being supplied with night-vision equipment, body armor, hollow-point bullets, shotguns, drones, assault rifles and LP gas cannons are the Smithsonian, U.S. Mint, Health and Human Services, IRS, FDA, Small Business Administration, Social Security Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Education Department, Energy Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing and an assortment of public universities. There are now reportedly more bureaucratic (non-military) government civilians armed with high-tech, deadly weapons than U.S. Marines. That doesn’t even begin to touch on the government’s arsenal, the transformation of local police into extensions of the military, and the speed with which the nation could be locked down under martial law depending on the circumstances.

Whatever else it may be—a danger, a menace, a threat—the U.S. government is certainly no friend to freedom.

To our detriment, the criminal class that Mark Twain mockingly referred to as Congress has since expanded to include every government agency that feeds off the carcass of our once-constitutional republic.

The government and its cohorts have conspired to ensure that the only real recourse the American people have to hold the government accountable or express their displeasure with the government is through voting, which is no real recourse at all.

Consider it: the penalties for civil disobedience, whistleblowing and rebellion are severe. If you refuse to pay taxes for government programs you believe to be immoral or illegal, you will go to jail. If you attempt to overthrow the government—or any agency thereof—because you believe it has overstepped its reach, you will go to jail. If you attempt to blow the whistle on government misconduct, you will go to jail. In some circumstances, if you even attempt to approach your elected representative to voice your discontent, you can be arrested and jailed.

You cannot have a republican form of government—nor a democratic one, for that matter—when the government views itself as superior to the citizenry, when it no longer operates for the benefit of the people, when the people are no longer able to peacefully reform their government, when government officials cease to act like public servants, when elected officials no longer represent the will of the people, when the government routinely violates the rights of the people and perpetrates more violence against the citizenry than the criminal class, when government spending is unaccountable and unaccounted for, when the judiciary act as courts of order rather than justice, and when the government is no longer bound by the laws of the Constitution.

For too long, the American people have obeyed the government’s dictates, no matter now unjust.

We have paid its taxes, penalties and fines, no matter how outrageous. We have tolerated its indignities, insults and abuses, no matter how egregious. We have turned a blind eye to its indiscretions and incompetence, no matter how imprudent. We have held our silence in the face of its lawlessness, licentiousness and corruption, no matter how illicit.

Oh how we have suffered.

How long we will continue to suffer depends on how much we’re willing to give up for the sake of freedom.

It may well be that Professor Morris Berman is correct: perhaps we are entering into the dark ages that signify the final phase of the American Empire. “It seems to me,” writes Berman, “that the people do get the government they deserve, and even beyond that, the government who they are, so to speak. In that regard, we might consider, as an extreme version of this… that Hitler was as much an expression of the German people at that point in time as he was a departure from them.”

For the moment, the American people seem content to sit back and watch the reality TV programming that passes for politics today. It’s the modern-day equivalent of bread and circuses, a carefully calibrated exercise in how to manipulate, polarize, propagandize and control a population.

As French philosopher Etienne de La Boétie observed half a millennium ago:

“Plays, farces, spectacles, gladiators, strange beasts, medals, pictures, and other such opiates, these were for ancient peoples the bait toward slavery, the price of their liberty, the instruments of tyranny. By these practices and enticements the ancient dictators so successfully lulled their subjects under the yoke, that the stupefied peoples, fascinated by the pastimes and vain pleasures flashed before their eyes, learned subservience as naively, but not so creditably, as little children learn to read by looking at bright picture books.”

The bait towards slavery. The price of liberty. The instruments of tyranny.

Yes, that sounds about right.

“We the people” have learned only too well how to be slaves. Worse, we have come to enjoy our voluntary servitude, which masquerades as citizenship.

Unfortunately, as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, we won’t be able to sustain this fiction much longer.

“Things fall apart,” wrote W.B. Yeats in his dark, forbidding poem “The Second Coming.” “The centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world… Surely some revelation is at hand.”

Wake up, America, and break free of your chains.

Something wicked this way comes.

This Is How Tyranny Rises and Freedom Falls: The Experiment in Freedom Is Failing

# # # #John W. Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. He is the president and spokesperson of the Rutherford Institute. Mr. Whitehead is the author of numerous books on a variety of legal and social issues, including Battlefield America: The War on the American People. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Arkansas and a Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Arkansas School of Law, and served as an officer in the United States Army from 1969 to 1971.

Aliens are Real — Can’t make this Sh#t up. Sorry fellow #TIs then along came Dr. Robert Duncan and I thank him

Even Preston James admits it — The Coming Shift to Cosmic Fascism (Part I) – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services

This is similar to what I faced down in my Kitchen one night, while targeted with holograms and black shadowy figure, and large hard feathery creature grabbing my sides… like these: It was electrified on all its edges head to toe. I rebuked, renounced and it disappeared — its Project Oaktree aka Lucifer by the CIA and MI6.

Please read James Casbalt to understand what’s going on and why you were chosen to be targeted. Its not just random.. its your DNA. They abducted me as a 6 week old baby. My grandparents demanded my return. A Sgt had no choice but to return me. Both died in strange, horrific accidents. It was at that moment, as my Grandmother was pronounced dead, run over by three guys from that same CIA MI6 military base, Ft. Holabird, in Dundalk MD, no longer there… that they began testing their AI and 4th dimensional technology on me with the Secret Space program in 1972. I was born 11/11 making me the star-gate Max Spiers spoke of (below) for the Anunnaki (NAZIs & top elite ruling Cabel 13 families Black Nobility bloodline’s) who are sick twisted torturing psychopaths. They’re also NAZIs with no conscious as the rest of us. Research what psychopaths truly are and consider that your targeting is technology — I mean these ether attacks and the weapons used all around us are extremely ancient not 40 years in the advance. They consider us slaves, as Max mentions and Aug Tellez who is trying to expose on his site (as outlandish as it all may seem) targets need to open their minds. If you believe in angelic creatures coming from the heavens (space) then isn’t anything possible?

Transhuman Singularity Project Oaktree / Lucifer Soul Catcher: #TargetedIndividual

I sound horrid from the targeting; they shot my upper teeth out & collapsed my trachea and left lung in 2015.

Even Preston speaks of these creatures and who’s behind all Targeting from the Deep Underground Military bases from UK to US.

2019-03-29 14_36_49-(105) Lissa Mires - Comodo IceDragon

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net” data-hostname=”www.bibliotecapleyades.net” data-nir=”1″>

Agent Buried Alive – 01


This was called ‘Project Anvil’ but changed its name to ‘Project Oaktree’ in the 1950’s. Oaktree was under the command of the NSA by this time and was being run from Harwell genetics laboratories in Oxfordshire. It was connected to all the major hospitals in the U.K. and was connected to the Mannequin program that I was born into.

Super Soldier James Casbolt – This is #TargetingToo # …


May 9, 2019James Casbolt is a former MI6 agent who worked in ‘Black ops’ drug trafficking operations in London between 1995 and 1999. He comes from a line of intelligence people. His grandfather was naval intelligence, his father was MI6 who was also involved in ‘Black ops’ and his uncle was an MI5 officer in Logistics.



The global drugs trade run by many factions of the global intelligence community co-operating together (MI6CIA, MOSSAD etc) is worth at least £500 billion a year. This is more than the global oil trade. MI6 control many of the other intelligence agencies in the world. MI6 created the CIA in 1947 and still control them today.

https://www.youtube.com” data-hostname=”www.youtube.com

Oaktree Lucifer Soul Catcher …

My testimony:  Jul 28, 2019 — I was abducted as a child taken to a MI6 NSA CIA military site. Thank God my family rescued me thou they paid a deadly price. I’m now targeted by them for Project Lucifer / Oaktree connected to …

The alien in my home was probably a hologram, just as they did to me as a teen with the secret space program begun in 1972. A bit thinner, tad taller then me making it about 5 ft 7 ins: Its was a scary night in my kitchen and living room.

The Wandjina cave paintings: Depictions of sky-beings

The Wandjina cave paintings: Depictions of sky-beings

Then along comes Dr. Robert Duncan, former Scientist with multiple degrees who worked on all of this technology, not realizing he too was taken in by the NWO becoming an infamous whistleblower and yes, you can trust him. He is the saint.

The Matrix Deciphered – Psychic Warfare

It is a timely critique on America’s current political plight. And it contains testimony from a Harvard graduate and former department of defense scientist who was tortured for a year by the CIA using the same system that was used on Saddam Hussein in 1992.

http://www.vigli.org” data-hostname=”www.vigli.org” data-hu=”1″ data-nir=”1″>

 The Matrix Deciphered – Vigli.org


The Matrix Deciphered This is a book written by Robert Duncan (The Saint) 2006 It is non-fiction and original research. November 8, 2010

DrRobert Duncan – The Matrix Deciphered (2010) | ConCen


I titled this book “The Matrix Deciphered” because I was inspired by the movie series “The Matrix” which was a clear and very accurate metaphor for what is occurring to people. Morpheus says in the movie, “Nobody can tell you what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself.” You do not want to see The Matrix for yourself.

James Preston, PhD’s bio — Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.

Contact: prestonjamesphd@gmail.com

Dr. Robert Duncan’s writings, informing/warning the public on #TargetedIndividuals:

I am a targeted individual coming forward with the 11/11 Project Oaktree that stands for Lucifer, citing the late Max Spiers, and James Casbalt, as well as other super-soldiers Aaron McCollum, Lauda and George Leon, Aug Tellez and Robert Duncan O’Finion, whom all state this is DARPA targeting us, and I agree. The NSA did something to me in Florida under Genetic Enhancement. I was abducted as a child taken to a MI6 NSA CIA military site. Thank God my family rescued me thou they paid a deadly price. I’m now targeted by them for Project Lucifer / Oaktree connected to super soldiers because I am a meta-gene. You might be too if you’re targeted. The one’s I see, directed purposely at me look pitifully tortured because obviously they are. This is the Singularity. CERN DWAVE destroying all of us. They want the TI to feel BETRAYED by literally everyone and electronically every literal thing. Its fight or flight and betrayal.

The Transhumanism Pandemic https://www.docdroid.net/ISkEbCW/the-…

Dr. Robert uncan: https://archive.org/details/RobertDun…

Dr. Robert Duncan: Experimenting on Civilians #DEW

Energy Weapons & Testing The #Matrix Deciphered by Dr Robert Duncan #Targetedtoo #Gangstalking

Lissa’s HumaneLife II (Chris/Huggybear) https://lissahumanelife.wordpress.com….

Get Dave Case’s CD. It works. http://antitinnitusv2k.com/.

An orgone field disrupts the signals. Ignore the SIMULATION. Walk away from the MATRIX created all around us because we’re better that the DUMBs controllers. Ignore and it will go away (AI). The so called perps are not doing this purposely. They’re data-controlled. Think mind-hiving & singularity Transhuman (GMOs, Nanotech from Chemtrails, Mycoplasma Biotech) decades being sprayed on. Ref: Cite: Data Asylum: https://dataasylum.com

There’s a war on our DNA in this CYBERNETICS CYBER-WARFARE PSYCHOTRONICS against all of us, humanity; See Whistleblower Super -Soldier Aaron McCollum’s PDF book

The Transhumanism Pandemic — Sub-Humanity’s Messiah; Humanity’s Annihilation https://www.docdroid.net/ISkEbCW/the-…

Aaron McCollum Lauda and George Leon: Sovereign KI — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYMlh…

James Castbalt – Agent Buried Alive: A survivor of the NSA Genetic Enhancement http://whale.to/b/casbolt_b.html, https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ci….

Max Spiers – Last Interview in Warsaw Poland – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsZRQ…

Robert Duncan O’Finion – Project Camelot – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIUgT…, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9u_x…

The civilian population was targeted for experiments. Dr Robert P. Duncan A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D, former CIA Darpa Scientist -whistleblower:

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/robert.dunca…

Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showt…

Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed The Singularity: Creating Skynet and the destruction of Humanity. https://www.scribd.com/document/13921…

“The problem isn’t data protection, it’s data collection.” – NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden

.@Snowden “What do you do when the most powerful institutions in society have become the least accountable to society?

That’s the question our generation exists to answer.”



According to Nafeez Ahmed, of INSURGE intelligence, a crowdfunded adversarial investigations into power, to empower people and save our planet…. the NSA upped their unConstitutional game against our very right to live in a free save and open environment. Yesterday, I was so heavily #gangstalked by their AI SKYNET DARPA team, various pick-up drivers swerved into my lane on a busy highway, several times… endangering my life, as if I was some sort of prisoner (of surveillance, psyops, torture, experimentation’s that are horrendous) and I’d went too far from prison grounds.

INSURGE intelligence continues… (A must read) one of the best along with the INTERCEPT…

“…the NSA’s shut down of this particular program did not imply an end to domestic phone record surveillance, but quite the opposite — that the program had been superseded by superior technology.

According to Russ Tice, a former senior NSA intelligence analyst who had previously worked with the US Air Force, Office of Naval Intelligence and Defense Intelligence Agency, the latest claim that the NSA was rolling up phone surveillance beggared belief.”

There is much more… if you cherish freedom and your very life, consider following them and read over their articles and support them. We’re running gout of heroes. — Lissa HumaneLife (Chris / Huggybear)

Just as Edward Snowden delcares after the above story hit the New York Times, and I agree, that:

So, WHAT SHUT DOWN?  see it ramping up when I’m literally almost run off the road dangerously on a busy four lane highway coming home from passed on family friends…. it was then I realized that its as if I’m a dog with a zap collar and I roamed too far from the prison grounds. Watch me go again, today! Lissa Humane Life (Better fight for your freedoms now, or they’ll be none and welcome to ORWELL.

When the NYT story broke, I reached out to two former senior NSA officials, Russ Tice and Thomas Drake, to find out what they thought.

Both of them told me that the NSA’s shut down of this particular program did not imply an end to domestic phone record surveillance, but quite the opposite — that the program had been superseded by superior technology.

According to Russ Tice, a former senior NSA intelligence analyst who had previously worked with the US Air Force, Office of Naval Intelligence and Defense Intelligence Agency, the latest claim that the NSA was rolling up phone surveillance beggared belief.

The NSA didn’t stop surveillance, they ramped it up and just moved some pieces around… can’t believe anything they say.

As the INSURGE writes:
“If anything, they no longer need this particular program to parse the card catalog — meta data — and can mine the content data directly with enhanced algorithms and processing and strapping. And when there is no pushback capability, congress is at the mercy of NSA to inform them on NSA’s abuses.”


Whistleblowers say NSA still spies on American phones in hidden program

The Murdering of Julian Assange

Julian Assange is being slowly murdered by “Her Majesty’s Prison Service” at Belmarsh prison in the south-east of London. The prison is notorious for holding people who have never been charged with a crime indefinitely. It is also called the British version of Guantanamo, and, typically used to detain so-called terrorists, thus called by the British police and secret service and aped by the British MSM and establishment. Terrorists that become terrorists by continuous and repeated accusations, by media propaganda, but not necessarily by fact.

Remember, if a lie is repeated often enough it becomes the truth in the minds of the braindead listeners. Its indoctrination of the public to demonize somebody or a group of people, or a country, who could become dangerous for the empire’s vicious and criminal endeavors. That’s what they are doing with Julian Assange. Exactly the same principle is applied, though on a different scale, against President Putin and against Russia and China. And it seems to work in a brainwashed-to-the-core, western society, ran by their spineless European US-vassalic leadership.

Yes, what is happening to Julian Assange could happen to any journalist who reveals the inconvenient truth about the empire and its minions’ criminal machinations, any journalist – or non-journalist, whistleblower, for that matter – anyone who dares standing up to the AngloZionist atrocities may end up in Guantanamo or Belmarsh which is considered a Type A prison for adult men, meaning, a “serious” prison, where “dangerous” detainees are held for as long as Her Majesty’s Prison Service considers necessary, and prisoners treatments are held secret and include torture.

Julian Assange’s case goes even farther than breaking all the rules of “democratic” free speech. The way he is treated is a serious infraction on Human Rights. The US and British governments intend to silence and punish a champion of free speech, torturing him for the world to see, and especially as a deterrent for would-be whistleblowers and other free-speech advocates.

Julian Assange has been condemned to a ‘temporary’ prison sentence of 50 weeks for jumping bail, when he sought and was granted refuge in 2012 in the Ecuadorian Embassy. And why did he jump bail? Because he was about to be extradited to neofascist Sweden, who acting in the name of Washington, accused him with phony rape and sexual misconduct charges, from where he would have most likely been extradited to the US – where he might have faced a kangaroo court and a fake trial with possible death sentence, or indefinite incarceration at Guantanamo.

That’s why he jumped bail and why he escaped to the Ecuadorian Embassy, because western injustice was already then played out with false propaganda, for everyone, but the blind and indoctrinated, to see. Rafael Correa, then President of Ecuador, saw the truth behind it all and granted Julian asylum, and later gave him Ecuadorian citizenship – which in 2018 was revoked by Correa’s traitor and fascist successor, US-implant, Lenin Moreno, who, as a reward, it is said, got an IMF loan of US$ 4.2 billion to help the government carry out its neoliberal economic reform program, meaning undoing much of the social programs of improving economic equality for the Ecuadorian population, implemented during the Correa presidency.

Well, how sick can that be? – Unfortunately, acting pathologically or even psychopathically in today’s world is fully accepted. It’s the new normal. This means, we are living in an almost-terminally ill, corrupt and utterly brainwashed society – to be precise, western society. “Almost-terminally” means that there is only dim hope of healing for the utter lack of conscientiousness of western society. Hope of western people’s awakening is fading, as it is sliding ever deeper into a bottomless abyss.

Julian Assange was first accused by Washington of fake charges of computer hacking and conspiring to defraud the United States. In fact, what this is all about is the 2010 publication by Wikileaks of the infamous video that circulated the world a million times, depicting the purposeful, malicious ‘collateral killing’ of harmless civilians by the crew of a US Army helicopter – and of other data of atrocious acts of the US military revealed by Chelsea Manning, and published by Wikileaks. Chelsea Manning has been and is herself serving prison sentences.

Despite the fact that this little video has been seen around the world probably by more than a billion people, nobody went on the barricades – on an endless mass-demonstration – to stop the rogue-state and killing machine United States of America from committing its daily and deadly crimes. Nobody. And the killing goes on. And Washington is doing its utmost to silence every future revealing of their atrocities, by silencing Julian Assange, and intimidating any potential future truth-revealer.

They have now 50 weeks, while he is hidden away in a British Guantanamo-like prison, to slowly kill him on behalf of and as a little favor to Washington, so he doesn’t have to be extradited and the US is spared being exposed to the kangaroo trial that Julian would otherwise receive. If he dies a “natural” death in a British prison, Trump may wash his bloody hands in innocence, and those in Congress who want to send a CIA squadron to murder Assange – I kid you not they are not ashamed to openly say so – will also be able to whitewash their criminal and bloody minds. Nobody will ever know what really happened behind Her Majesty’s prison walls.  – There will be some flareups in the media – and then all quiets down. As usual. The Wikileaks founder will be gone – and all potential whistleblowers and truth-seeking journalists will be on their guard. Objective achieved.

In the meantime and to reach that objective, Julian is most likely being tortured, possibly physically and psychologically.  Julian Assange has suffered “prolonged exposure to psychological torture”, the UN’s torture expert, Nils Melzer, said in a BBC interview, and urged Britain not to extradite Assange to Washington. According to retired USAF lieutenant colonel Karen Kwiatkowski, he may have been doped with psychotropic drugs, like 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, known as BZ that produces hallucinations, mental confusion and memory loss. This may have been the reason, why he was unable to speak clearly, and to participate in a Swedish Court hearing – and had to be transferred to the hospital wing of Her Majesty’s Belmarsh prison. One of the few pictures that emerged at the time of his transfer to the hospital was one of a zombie.

Let’s just hope that I‘m totally wrong with this scenario – and that people’s pressure (at this point it would be a miracle) will prey Julian loose from the lethal fangs of the empire and its minions.

The Western world keeps looking on – worse, they even support Her Majesty’s Prison Service, to which Julian Assange is subjected. They largely applauded the brutal British arrest of Julian Assange, when the police dragged him out of the Ecuadorian Embassy into a van and off to preventive custody, and hours later he was convicted to 50 weeks on a phony charge for jumping bail.

What can be said – is not better said than by Paul Craig Roberts,

If the world stands for the US / UK / Swedish judicial murder of an innocent man, the world does not deserve to exist another second.” – Amen.


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This article was originally published on New Eastern Outlook.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; TeleSUR; The Saker Blog, the New Eastern Outlook (NEO); and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from Medium

#Gangstalking #AI #MACHINE #Quantum Computer #Matrix #CellTowers/Phones #SmartGrid #Synchronization #Surveillance #TargetedIndividual #TargetedToo

Example One — This is what #TIs go thru on a daily bases. The Artificial Intelligence that’s in the literal air in a Sentient Worldwide Simulation created for the NSA — it’s why the collected all the date on everyone, in particular, Americans. This is highly advanced technological weaponization of surveillance before your eyes going on in your neighborhoods across the US and abroad, especially the five eye nations.

Predictive Programming

The EyeOpener- Sentient World Simulation: Meet Your DoD Clone –


Below video is from a whistleblower, former Amazon security insider and DARPA (CERN/DWAVE) synchronization of humanity; yes, Amazon has made billions on US taxpayers to SURVEIL everything we do – See Wikileaks ‘On the Take and lovingvb  it.’ and his last video when they pulled it/him off air talking about the Nanites in the air.

To understand what’s going on… think of the Matrix, a simulation, synthetic from Chemtrail spraying and the electronic grid via smartphones to the cell towers to a black box that goes to Ft. Meade, MD and from there to the NSA’s Utah facility where all of our data goes in a literal second of time… to super computers that communicate with computers that work in the air–the ether… quantum computers. It’s heavy physics but its what’s going on.


Read over some of the informative links provide below. You can email me with questions or leave a response.

HERE”s the CLINCHER-– TIs are REAL inside this REEL. Whereas everyone else are BACKDROPS – they’re minds are COPIES of the actual real brain in their super computer, for complete CONTROL – hence perps, neighbors and everyone else. Its not them.  CIA DOD DARPA is your perpetrators controlling situations in the simulation. Unlike everyone else, we stood up to them over finances and politics, whistleblew, dissented became activists after they did us horridly wrong –the rest are asleep. We did the right thing.. we get it.  We see injustice and go by the law, hence to make us look lawless, corrupted. Most TIs hold PhDs, Bachelor degrees, etc. Yet fail to see the skits, the simulation run by the NSA and CIA and DOD (DARPA).

Once you understand their keys to this matrix, you become very dangerous to them.

Another Example: — the only thing you’re not seeing is the matrix before your eyes. Logic has left the room. Grab it back and your self-awareness. Step back from your story–how you got on the list and see the bigger picture–this is run by highly advanced cloud-computing smart grid synthetics (Chemtrails) super quantum computers — the NSA is running a worldwide ‘simulation.’

Learn more of gangstalking really is — its a simulation by the NSA-CIA & Dept. of Defense and its worldwide.

Manifestation of Chaos & Simulation Theory – YouTube —

Sentient World Simulation Archives | Take The RedPill! — https://www.redpillinfowar.com/category/sentient-world-simulation/.

Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations – Wikipedia — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_Environment_for_Analysis_and_Simulations?fbclid=IwAR3jhkraSWjbvhux9SeYBpQ3cN2W2sBln45F53KFcMLM1R5N72iwLgMWRyg#Sentient_World_Simulation.

What you need to know about the SENTIENT WORLD SIMULATION and VIRTUAL REALITY – YouTube

The Matrix all around us — testing highly advanced artificial intelligent run quantum to the cubic computers–they wanted complete control, the Internet of all things. Dr. Robert Duncan worked on these targeting technologies to control humanity, regrettably compartmentalized unknowingly… he learned that his work was for targeting and spoke out and was targeted for doing so. He whistle blew on Jesse Ventura’s show, Brain Invaders on Conspiracy Theory.

  • Gerald Clark – Former DARPA employee – How to Break Out of the Matrix – Meat Modem – YouTube

Video 119: The Grid and how to Exit the Matrix



There Is an evil artificial Intelligence based alien presence on Earth that Is attempting to enslave mankind at the very least and at worst steal peoples very souls, while In the meantime destroying the beautiful Earth we all live on. michaelzullo • 

jjyeshua (54)  ·  2 years agoThere Is an evil artificial Intelligence based alien presence on Earth that Is attempting to enslave mankind at the very least and at worst steal peoples very souls, while In the meantime destroying the beautiful Earth we all live on.

Stage 1, Morgellons Disease, Nano Tags:

In the United States and Europe planes are spraying the air thick with Chem-Trails, within these clouds of poison are many different kinds of metals and chemicals. Independent testing of these Chem-Trails have revealed a toxic mix of substances like: aluminum, barium, nano aluminum coated fiberglass, radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, polymer fibers and Nano Tags ( or what most people refer to as Morgellons Disease. )

In these Chem-Trails are Hollow Fibres, self replicating hollow fibres that are there to read out the light fingerprint of your DNA, transform It In to an electromagnetic radio signal, that Is detectable via satellite and ground stations. This Is what researchers have found out by analyzing Information gathered by Chem-Trail research communities, In the United States. These fungus like fibres are Infecting the human body ( sometimes you can see them at night by taking a UV lamp and shining It In to the rain, If they’ve been spraying you will be able to see the fibres floating around In the air. ) When the air has been heavily sprayed these fibres are glowing under a UV light, billions of fibres airborne.

These fibres are not visible In normal light and people are regularly breathing these fibres In. 95-99% of the people Infected with these fibres show no symptoms, nothing special happens because your biology’s keeping the fungus population low In your body. They just function as a plasmodic antenna to send out a signal, but you don’t get sick from It.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that over 90% of the population of Europe Is Infected with It, It’s not a big deal, It’s not dangerous as long as the body can handle these things. Some of the peoples Immune systems can not handle these hollow fibres, then the hollow fibres ( massila ) start to grow In the body. They multiply quickly and at a certain point their extracted via the skin and you can see that they move. They have this ability to collect colours, you have blue Morgellons and you have red Morgellons. Nobody knows where these colours come from because they are of technical origin, It’s not a natural substance. So you can see when the skin ( pores ) are opening, you can see them under the microscope. If you make blood analysis you can see that the blood Is Infected, and you can let them grow artificially In a petri dish. If you look at them under a microscope you can see that they’re a little bit more complex than a simple fungus. They have kind of organs Inside and little red stem cells of unknown species that are self replicating as well. The fibres produce other structure like sporing body, like when a mushroom Is forming a fruiting body, then from the fruiting body you expect spores from the next generation. So this seems to be the containment for the spores, If you put this Into the petri dish, you can see the next generation growing. Other things you find Is fragments of Insect skin being extracted from a Morgellon victim. So something from this disease Is making Insect parts, so Insects grow In the human body.

Stage 2, Advanced Psycho-tronic Weapons:

In 2003, the US Invaded Iraq and according to many high level people this was only done for the purpose of testing this new system. In that war they used microwave weapons that gave the Iraqi soldiers the feeling that their skin was burning. Not because the microwaves had the Intensity to make the skin burn, but because the RNA was triggered to cause the sensation of burning. They tested all other parts of this new system: Psycho-tronic Weapons, make them give up by Inducing them to give up by causing them to believe god was telling them to, or make them fall In love with the American soldiers, there was a long list of psycho-tronic functions they could use. With these weapons systems they could also make them sick, give them cancer, kill them In one year, six months or six seconds If they wanted.

Stage 3, Morgellons Disease, Nano Tech, RNA, Smart Dust:

Ten billion US dollars, or half a year to optimize the glass-topology technology. If Its only about Infecting humans with a virus like synthetic RNA, glass-topolgy starts to become an Interesting topic. If this RNA cluster Is supposed to carry a soul, only then a soul or artificial intelligence. This makes you think they are Indeed attempting to turn people Into bio robots. RNA cluster within the air, spray It In the air with a defined distance from RNA to RNA and within the human body the same RNA cluster Is prolonged within the cells. Now whatever Is carried by these clusters, the artificial Intelligence the program or a soul, how whatever this Is can travel from the smart dust Into the human being and this Is what they call smart dust.

Morgellons forms Its own neural network Inside of the body. Morgellons Nano Techs trans-humanist technology to extract light from the human body and turn In to a radio signal to read out what happens within the human. Opposite way to Invert light, radio frequency to the human to make him feel whatever you want to make him feel. If you take this Morgellons concept, If you take the Nano Crystals concept and If you take all the other technology’s within this article, then you look In to some Internal papers of NASA. In an Internal NASA document that wasn’t meant to be published titled: Future Strategic Issues For Warfare, Projecting To The Year 2025, big subtitle: Future Is Now. If you look through this document you find the concept of:

Sum Sensus Swarm ( Smart Dust ) you find Nano Techs ( Identical Morgellon Function ) and you find co-opted Insects.
So some where In the American Intelligence community, seems to be black magic Inspired, CIA, Office Of Naval Intelligence.

Stage 4, Conclusion:

NASA knows all the components It’s Interlocked In the United States, In Silicon Valley you have three big buildings,one Is Singularity University, founder of this Is Ray Kurzweil, who Is screaming In Interviews about sending nano bots to other planets to harvest energy and matter to multiply the overall Intelligence of the human machine civilization.
Ray Kurzweil when asked If there was a God that exists, replies ” not yet ” Trans-humanist Headquarters is Google head quarters where he Is now head developer. On the other side of the University Is NASA headquarters, the organization that Is certifying the plans to spray.
So all these members of this black brotherhood even sit In the sane street. Most people think their fairly safe but that’s because they don’t understand the consequences, are most people hive programmed already? Some people do understand the consequences though, I’m certain the Russians do. The spraying of military compounds which would of meant losing the harvest and falling under Monsanto. They decided to stop spraying and the NSA, In the US, realized the CIA Is a black magic outfit and at least parts of the NSA are still looking out for American Interests and human Interests. Maybe a reaction to realizing that whatever Is happening the CIA Is following demonic forces. The NSA downed Evergreen International, the CIA spraying airliner and shut It down, but unfortunately Chem-Trails are still going on at an unprecedented level.

If the CIA wants to send troops to Syria or Iran and start World War III, and they are blackmailing members of Congress, so they vote accordingly. The NSA’s only option Is to stop the money getting through.

To finish the article I would like to say that this ongoing evil agenda by the worlds elite and the attempting merger of artificial Intelligence with mankind must be stopped. There Is an evil artificial Intelligence based alien presence on Earth that Is attempting to enslave mankind at the very least and at worst steal peoples very souls, while In the meantime destroying the beautiful Earth we all live on.