Dr. Joseph Farrell & Dr. Horton discuss spread of tens of thousands of Nazi War Criminals after WWII; their weaponized technology & methods

Dr. Farrell’s website has a wealth of information, a list of his books, commentary on current affairs and special insights: https://gizadeathstar.com/. In the above video  you will hear Dr. Farrell discuss how Borman moved over 800 million into South America, worth billions now… and that’s just for starters. The US government backed by Rockefeller and Rothschild’s and other international banking families made a literal killing. Its now being used as invisible electromagnetic weapons and surveillance that you can not see.


At the turn of the 20th century, a plan to slowly take over the government of the United States began to unfold. Many works have been written about the Nazi machine that instigated two world wars, though few have traced the footsteps of the foreign financiers and the actors we prefer to call “politicians.”

Learn more here: Hitler’s bodyguard deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf (Bush), Jr., was the 41st U.S. president | Arcanum Deep Secrets

Hitler’s bodyguard deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf (Bush), Jr., was the 41st U.S. president

Dr. Horton’s site — https://stop007.org/


…the Washington Post was pulling its punches: it was tens of thousands — not “thousands” — of Nazi war criminals that the CIA absorbed, and these Nazis did not serve “American interests and purposes,” but the interests and purposes of the US ruling elite, whose values, I would submit, do not coincide with the values of the great majority of ordinary US citizens.

Eichmann smirkingEven as his assumed identity and whereabouts in Argentina became known to American authorities, the fugitive German war criminal Adolf Eichmann was being shielded by the CIA from apprehension and prosecution  for having orchestrated an industrial scale, transnational human extermination apparatus that resulted in the deaths of millions:  Roma, homosexuals, communists, Serbs, Jews, the disabled… It was Eichmann’s lifetime achievement.

Why was this German mass murderer so valuable to the United States government?

According to Francisco Gil-White, thwarting Eichmann’s prosecution for his monstrous war crimes was just the tip of the iceberg. The rest, as he explains it, will make your hair stand on end. The U.S. government effectively turned Germany’s defeat into a wholesale Nazi victory. He offers this from the Washington Post circa 1988, and he’s only just getting started:

“It is no longer necessary — or possible — to deny the fact: the U.S. government systematically and Eichman Nazi Architect deliberately recruited active Nazis by the thousands, rescued them, hired them and relied upon them to serve American interests and purposes in postwar Europe.”[2]

This surprisingly candid, horrifying acknowledgement on the part of the Washington Post, still diminishes the magnitude, scale and depravity of the U.S. sponsored rescue operation of Nazis and their fascist collaborators that ensued after the war. As Francisco Gil-White explains.

AdaraPress continues stating:

When the New York Times says that “[the] CIA…use[d] former Nazis as informers after World War II,” it is leaving most of the truth out. What is true is that the CIA itself was created by absorbing practically the entire Nazi war-criminal infrastructure. This was documented already in 1988 with material obtained from the US government through the Freedom of Information Act by historian Christopher Simpson:

Simpson, Christopher. 1988. Blowback: America’s recruitment of Nazis and its effects on the Cold War. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicholson.

Learn more: The CIA Protected Adolf Eichmann, Architect Of The Holocaust (and rescued and hired Nazis by the tens of thousands) | Francisco Gil -White | Adara Press

References: [Dulles was a Nazi, as well]

After 1945, the US created US Intelligence by recruiting tens of thousands of Nazi war criminals; from “IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A chronological look at the evidence”; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White http://www.hirhome.com/israel/ihrally.htm#1945