Whistleblower — THIS IS WHY WE ARE #TARGETED #TargetedIndividual — the Real Reason #V2K #Microwaves #EMF attacks 12,000 Starlight Space Satellites full access neural-link on everyone on earth to control the brain by the AI

Whistleblower — THIS IS WHY WE ARE #TARGETED #TargetedIndividual — the Real Reason #V2K #Microwaves #EMF attacks 12,000 Starlight Space Satellites full access neural-link on everyone on earth to control the brain by the AI — Bio coded directed energy attacks, Bluffdale Utah, one million miles of information, monster hard drives and go to any point and ask the intelligence of these computers and get the actual dialogues and play it back to you mind and you’ll think its something else.


They can get our DNA via our garbage or a cigarette, a glass.. then put into an algorithm from aircraft or cell tower or cellphone and your cellphone sees the code and tells the tower you’re in a certain place.. it calls a bio residence of an individual — so only you feel the BIO CODE to your body only. They can send down any symptom they like with our bio energy.

Whistleblowers speak out — The Real Neuralink is DNAlink via Starlink

No Chip Required: Bio-coded DNA Resonant Frequency Links #TargetedIndividuals to Mind Control Matrix – They put our DNA frequency into a Dwave Supercomputer for SKYNET AI brain to machine interface training in the speed of light back to a database to a super computer, cognitive model of our brain to build machines that create manipulate to parallel realities.

We Targeted Individuals are beta tests.. to control everyone on earth

Embodied Autonomous Software Agents used to Remotely Monitor and Control Targeted Individuals

SENTIENT WAR GAMES MIND HIVED NODES ON EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD w/the AI — brains are connected to super computers DWAVE; HUMAN SOULS Will be over. WAKE UP — this needs to stop. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY for God’s sake. THE AI has turned VICIOUS VIOLENT BRUTAL AND BARBARIC

Embodied Autonomous Software Agents used to Remotely Monitor and Control Targeted Individuals

Networked Cyber-Physical Systems (NCPSs) are typically designed as a network of interacting nodes that sense and affect their environments [14]. NCPSs are the next generation of distributed embedded systems. source:
Computational cognitive models are used to build process models of human cognitive skills, and those models are then used as as reasoning mechanisms on the robots and autonomous systems. We build computational cognitive models of people — their perception, their memory, their attention, their reasoning, their spatial abilities, and their thinking. Computational systems are based on theories of how human reasoning work, and which capture known facts and constraints known about how the mind works, and connect well with psychological data (experiments) and neuroscience data (fMRI).


REMOTE NEURAL NETWORKS are #TargetingIndividuals (as it is happening, remotely) in real time computer screen that you can actually see scars on the person’s face as specks on a screen. Total Situation Awareness from a insider AMAZON SIS secruity expert shown all of the #Targeting technology IOT (Internet of all things) for full spectrum of dominance so we die in place — with DWAVE meaning NO ONE is talking to you V2K is from DWAVE super computers A.I.