US Totalitarianism w/AI IOT & 5G: We’re on a slippery slope. Its no longer a matter of if, but when…

Martin Niemöller understood what we’re witnessing since 911 in one-time free Republic America. A Lutheran minister who was imprisoned and executed for opposing Hitler’s regime, Niemoller warned:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

We’re on a slippery slope.

Its no longer a matter of it, but when…

The Rutherford Institute’s Constitutional Attorney John Whitehead understand this all too well, especially in his latest documentary read here.

Excerpts from John’s latest doc:

How do you persuade a populace to embrace totalitarianism, that goose-stepping form of tyranny in which the government has all of the power and “we the people” have none?

In the 200-plus years since we boldly embarked on this experiment in self-government, we have been steadily losing ground to the government’s brazen power grabs, foisted upon us in the so-called name of national security.

The government has knocked us off our rightful throne. It has usurped our rightful authority. It has staged the ultimate coup. Its agents no longer even pretend that they answer to “we the people.”

We are fast approaching a moment of reckoning where we will be forced to choose between the vision of what America was intended to be (a model for self-governance where power is vested in the people) and the reality of what she has become (a police state where power is vested in the government).

This slide into totalitarianism—helped along by overcriminalization, government surveillance, militarized police, neighbors turning in neighbors, privatized prisons, and forced labor camps, to name just a few similarities—is tracking very closely with what happened in Germany in the years leading up to Hitler’s rise to power.

We are walking a dangerous path right now.

The horrors of the Nazi concentration camps weren’t kept secret from the German people. They were well-publicized. As The Guardian reports:

The mass of ordinary Germans did know about the evolving terror of Hitler’s Holocaust… They knew concentration camps were full of Jewish people who were stigmatised as sub-human and race-defilers. They knew that these, like other groups and minorities, were being killed out of hand. They knew that Adolf Hitler had repeatedly forecast the extermination of every Jew on German soil. They knew these details because they had read about them. They knew because the camps and the measures which led up to them had been prominently and proudly reported step by step in thousands of officially-inspired German media articles and posters… The reports, in newspapers and magazines all over the country were phases in a public process of “desensitisation” which worked all too well, culminating in the killing of 6m Jews….

Likewise, the mass of ordinary Americans are fully aware of the Trump Administration’s efforts to stigmatize and dehumanize any and all who do not fit with the government’s plans for this country.

These mass arrests of anyone suspected of being an illegal immigrant may well be the shot across the bow.

And I would know going up against them. There was no way I was to loose until they pulled out their secret technology, all weaponzied against me. Since, I’ve watched from behind my torturous scenes as it all goes down and trust me its going down fast now.


They’re testing our waters. If you speak-out, they’ll torture you. I know. I’m tortured and experimented on and I am an American lady, a one-time US Historian on her way to a budding, successful career. But, the powers that are, not be… the Homeland of it all came after me and I was in my home minding my own business.. meaning I wasn’t safe and secure in my own home and that’s a Constitution right that was taken from me. Quoting a state-level detective, Jon, in East North Carolina… ‘You’re Constitution and Bill of RIghts have been squashed by a NATION OF TRAITORS.” Yes Jon, and it continues to grow ever worse. I refuse to remain silent and for that I shall die but at least as you said.. I’ll have Jehovah with me, Pure Source Creator of all.

Jon and the other’s, behind the scenes, would never know the full length of the truth behind the Bush administration (CIA-DOD) targeting of me. It happened right before I was to go into a settlement conference whereas my answer was ‘no,’ quite simply. As the two weeks that led up to that moment when I was to go full force into a two week promised court, state level, against Bethlehem Steel Ship and Steel yard who hired one of the top ten in the United States, out of Washington, D.C., to go up against me, alone that I was, yet with OSHA ruling’s evidence that they 99% killed my husband (later learned 100 percent court signed and proven) as I sat taking a break from College, some ‘one’ or ‘ones’ came over my Internet instant messaging (I’d just put on my computer a day or two prior) and asked me ‘What do you think of 911?” And threw that question into Google’s search engine in my browser. From that point on, I became horridly immersed into the artificial Intelligence super computer by the NSA’s Sentient CERN World wide simulation aka Gangstalking. I never made it into court with all the NSA and Homeland Security calls psyoping me and surrounding my home while Fusion center employees, all super AI controlled, chased/zoomed by me and psyop calls etc., anything to terrorize me. By the time I made it into Settlement COnference, everyone in the room, including my own attorney was taken completely over.  I was mortified. When I moved to Belair Md, one week later I learned my own lawyer goy away with murder putting me into an experimentation by the US Government of electromagnetic microwave surveillance (off charts) by local military (yes), horrid frequencies, everyone turning against me, neighbors turning me in and so on and so forth, so when John Whitehead says’ listen to me.. our freedoms are leaking fast, you might want to believe in him.


That’s me. above, at my husband’s grave, right after I buried him. I had no idea a new world order, pure evil, run by the CIA & NSA & DOD we’re coming for me to prevent me from their Wall Street billionaire’s money, which is justice in this country according to their laws, not mine. I know how they get their money and keep it and they can shove it where the sun will never shine. Wake up Americans.

Note the yellow gurney — it represents my husband taken from Beth Steel to an awaiting shock trauma helicopter. It was put there 247 for 3 long years while I was horridly gangstalked with their satellites, cell towers and CERN/DWAVE nanotech biotech from chemtrail spraying.. synthetic sentient HAARP A.I. run, NSA simulation.

This is my late husband, George Krabal.

1019412651183628288-DiWuZNQWAAUckpbHe was blown in half and left for dead on Beth Steel’s property, owned by JPMORGAN. I know. The CIA run it and ruined my entire life. PS — I donated his medical records to the US Military to save lives in Iraq and how do they repay me? By attacking me with satellite weapons, chasing me down with cell towers and cellphones and WIFI hopping off other’s devices (yes, they’re using you in the public without your knowledge making you an accomplice to slow silent no

-touch torturous murder).

Please, wake up. Our government is not what you think.. they are barbaric criminals.

His full article can be read here, and should be — The Rutherford Institute :: The Jackboots Are Coming: Mass Arrests, Power Grabs and the Politics of Fear | By John W. Whitehead | 

pass this along to all you know. Wake up everyone. The Rothschild syndicate has taken over the world. The Georgia Guidestones is real–they mean business and are torturing fellow Americans when they / we / me speak out against their atrocities.



Lissa (Chris)