Listen to a #TARGETER US-DOD MILAB HELICOPTER PILOT Tell ALL on #TargetedIndividuals #Gangstalking

Aaron McCollum of Project Seagate / Talent, a confessed abductor, with 36 possible alters (from all the monarch mkultra mind-altering done to him) whistleblow’s about abducting civilians for torture and experimentation for the US government; some for elimination and yes some are children. He talks to Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot.

Its surreal. To actually hear one of them speak of these atrocities… as if its nothing. This is what the government has done to these guys. And, its made me realize they’re victim’s as much as the victim’s… when the government splits their minds into alters to do their horrid medical and murderous experimentation’s and more.

A nation betrayed — Lissa