#Morgellons #Protocol by Kathy Knight-McConnell #Targetedtoo #Weaponized #Chemtrails #Democide #Genocide #Horrific #Tragedy #SyntheticBio #Nanotech #Democide

Morgellons Disease & Chemtrail Lung at critical mass

Kathy’s  Protocol for Morgellons Disease

Update: 6/1/2017

As I mentioned in my earlier protocol posting, it is important to cleanse the body of heavy metals.  Here is a link to a great article on chorella and cilantro for heavy metal cleansing.  http://naturalsociety.com/proper-heavy-metal-chelation-cilantro-chlorella/ The product I use for heavy metal cleansing is from Planetary Herbals Cilantro Heavy Metal Detox with Chlorella in a liquid dropper bottle http://www.planetaryherbals.com/products/GP2240/

Update: 10/28/2016

I have added Nattokinase to my protocol, primarily to remove plaque deposits from my blood stream.  Although I do not have Lyme disease, I found research showing that a Lyme doctor (link to doctor is in the message section below at the bottom) is having success with treating Lyme Disease with Nattokinase, so I added it to my protocol for those who have Lyme Disease as well as Morgellons.  Please note that you should consult with a doctor before taking Nattokinase if you are taking blood thinners, like Coumadin or a daily aspirin, as it might cause bruising.  Some brands of Nattokinase contain Vitamin K which is a blood thinner.  Doctor’s Best Nattokinase says they have removed the Vitamin K, but better safe than sorry.

Update: 7/27/2016

It has been a long journey through the Morgellons maze, but I believe I have hit the end of that road, if not the end then very close to it. Again, I am a victim of Morgellons, not a doctor. These are my observations and results from my own research. I have had this disease, as far as I can tell, for about 12 years now, although it has been about 4 years since I realized I had it. Everything I have done to this point has been helpful and brought me a long way toward ultimate healing. Since November of 2015 when I started on GcMAF yogurt it has helped me to rebuild my immune system, cleanse the build up in my colon and made me more regular after many years of gut problems. I used it for 6 months with excellent results. Then I switched, for monetary reasons, to making Bulgarian yogurt and supplementing with Symbiotics colostrum with lactoferrin. I am also using Pearls Immune with lactoferrin and together these seem to be having the same type of effect as the GcMAF yogurt while costing a lot less.  Be sure to take at least 10,000 units of Vitamin D3 with the GcMAF and/or the Bulgarian Yogurt.

I have done a lot of research which has brought me to the conclusion that we are all infected with weaponized mycoplasma (of which there are at least 5 different strains that are known to be weaponized) that destroys the cells and immune system, along with Nagalese which suppresses the macrophages which fight disease in the human body. Nagalese has been found in a lot of vaccines as well as trace amounts of mycoplasma (a large component of Gulf War Syndrome that is contagious and spreading all over the planet according to research by Dr. Garth Nicolson). On top of that we are ingesting foods that have been genetically altered, sprayed with chemtrails proven to contain a variety of DNA changing components, including insect vectors, cyanobacterias, synthetic DNA, heavy metals like Barium, Aluminum and Strontium (but not limited to these) and more. We live in an electromagnetic prison that activates these things in our bodies, producing all types of strange artifacts, fibers, pulsing lights, black goos and more within the body and which make their way to the surface of the skin producing lesions, prodigious amounts of biofilm in which the pathogens grow protected from the macrophages and the bodies immune system does not recognize their existence. The mycoplasmas have no cell walls and are pleomorphic, which means they change shape and size as do the black fibers that show up in our systems. I have come to believe that the white fibers are outgrowths of the matrix of the biofilm which is filled with a variety of bacteria that filament and grow. The colored fibers that do not melt at 1400 degrees are synthetic DNA polymers made up of keratin and collagen that has been genetically transformed (originally designed to deliver medicines to the cellular level for surgery and to grow matrixes to grow bones and organs). It has been modified to self-assemble and to grow using our own body’s keratin and collagen to rebuild itself, even scavenging our finger and toe nails and taking up residence in our body hairs transforming them into antennas that pick up electromagnetic waves which energize them to keep growing. My own hair became completely clear and smooth like fiber optic cable, but it has begun to grow back normally and the pigment has returned to it. My fingernails and growing strong and no more fibers are embedded in them.

I seem to have become more resistant to the chemtrails residues which are still being sprayed all over my neighborhood on an almost daily basis. My legs were full of black mycoplasma and white lumps, which are pretty much gone now after starting the GcMAF. After much research I added Cat’s Claw liquid extract, Usnea liquid extract, Astragalus liquid extract, Serrapeptase and Lipid Replacement Therapy to my daily regimen during the past couple of months. Having done so, in the past few weeks, I have noted under the microscope, that pretty much all of the black and white fibers have completely disappeared from the biofilm produced by my body. I ran some experiments using my biofilm in hydrogen peroxide and it all appears to be dead, bubbling up and separating the biofilm, then turning white with no activity. Other people have been reporting explosive growth of fibers under the use of hydrogen peroxide. The reasons I have added these things to my regimen are that

  • Cat’s Claw is being used to kill some strains of mycoplasma,
  • Usnea dissolves biofilm to release the pathogens so the immune system can attack them,
  • Astragalus attacks the pathogens as they are released,
  • Serrapeptase breaks down the toxins and dead tissues in the body (including biofilm sacks and seems to push it out through the skin).
  • Lipid replacement therapy helps to rebuild the damaged cellular structure and replaces the lipids destroyed by the mycoplasma.

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She suggest trying these–they worked for her and do help relief some symptoms. I am not a doctor or nurse and have no medical experience, rather trying to help others find some form of relief, sincerely. Lissa

My Morgellons Protocol | Facebook

You can buy these on Ebay for much less, homemade, some are nonGMO and organic.

Usnea https://www.ebay.com/itm/USNEA-Extract-Muscle-Relaxant-Immune-Stimulant-Organic-Folk-Remedy-Tincture/222761385028?var=521616965041


Parasite Cleanse Tincture/Extract- Wormwood,Black Walnut Hull,Clove, Strong | eBay


For fighting mycoplasma (candida/biofilm/parasites etc) https://www.ebay.com/itm/JAPANESE-KNOTWEED-GLYCERITE-ALCOHOL-FREE-2-4-8-oz-Made-in-Maine/131311475034?var=430610427441

Raw wild oil of oregano – https://www.ebay.com/itm/Oil-of-Oregano-1oz-WILD-NON-GMO-High-Carvacrol-rating-85-Highest-Quality-USA/282975695771

Cat’s claw for fighting some mycoplasmas 0 https://www.ebay.com/itm/CATS-CLAW-bark-herb-LIQUID-EXTRACT-inflammation-Arthritis-immune-8oz-B-free-te/283014179016

Chlorella Tincture, Extract, Chlorella Pyrenoidosa, Heavy Metal Chelation, Algae | eBay


#TargetedIndividuals #Gangstalking #TI #TIs Download Soundcloud #DAVESCD – IT WORKS… #AntiTinnitus Sound System [Copyright R. David Case] by Ron Cosmo on SoundCloud

Download Dave’s CD (clears head, get’s you off the AI Skynet Ether Gangstalking Grid — Neural network) — https://soundcloud.com/ron-cosmo/r-david-case-tinnitus-sound-file-by-brian-douglas-no-music/likes

Play it day and night… when targeting gets bad — you will no longer be int he matrix

Lissa — Big THUMBS UP for TIs. Download it .. put on laptop computer cellphone and/or MP3 player – play in car etc. We’re in a Simulation, a sentient synthetic (telepathy, thoughts).. we’ve become an avatar in their super computers. Its SKYNET not your neighbors. NEURAL WEAPONS are on the brain waves. With 5G its going to get worse. Play this and I guarantee they’ll be NO MORE GANGSALKING OR PAIN because you won’t show up in the matrix Ether. Go to my search engine upper right hand corner. Look for Billy Hayes. Listen to a HAARP CERN/DWAVE whistleblower explain this.

Download Soundcloud downloader for Firefox Mp3 Downloader for SoundCloud™ – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/soundcloud-mp3-downloader/here — 

Mp3 Downloader for SoundCloud™ – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)