RAMOLAD | FEMA HDS WHISTLEBLOWER Celeste Solum | BREAKING NEWS: Havana Syndrome in Public Cognitive Warfare Next? (Newsbreak 143) Feb 21, 2022

Feb 21, 2022: Newsbreak 143 | Celeste Solum | BREAKING NEWS: Havana Syndrome in Public Cognitive Warfare Next?

Explosive information from military sources suggest Havana Syndrome on a large scale may be headed the public’s way, the intention insidious neurodamage as evident in the cases of diplomats and spies apparently caught in a hot war involving many countries, says Celeste Solum.

#ElectromagneticWeapons are Being Used to #Torture & #SubjugateCountless #AmericanCitizens… The #Whistleblowers

Meet the whistle-blowers like NSA Veteran William Binney, David Voigt, Naval Annapolis, MD graduate, John DeCamp, US Army Intelligence Officer/Capt. now retired, Wm J Taylor, Marine Corps Veteran and Private Investigator, Jesse Beltran, Dr. Collin Ross, Psychiatrist, Mary Gregory US Customs Officer, Dr. Corkin Cherubini, Educator; Superintendent, and many more.

Source – https://www.biggerthansnowden.com/

The Truth behind #Gangstalkers #CIA Ghosts, Poltergeists, Huntings & Holgrams #DEW #DirectEnergyWeapons #Duncan #Targeting is #Cybernetic #MindControl

Dedicated to my Late Husband George Bishop Krabal

killed by the CIA Coop-D’Tat  Wall Street Federal Reserve Rothschild/Rockefeller run US Government Corporate Fascist New World Order

The Military Industrial Complex — The Medical-Scientific-Tyrannical-Brutal-Criminal Organization ruining our country–Almeria.


George Bishop Krabal – May he Rest in Peace

Excerpts from various writings revealing targeting, who’s behind it, the truth, rather than religious or alien ramblings. He worked on the control grid, unwittingly, unknowing that it would be used on Americans. He apologies to the world at Dr. Robert Duncan. His Facebook page. Read much more here–  Robert P. Duncan A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D,

Duncan is one of my hero ‘s. Had it not been for Duncan coming forward when he did, I would not had known what was being done to me. — Lissa

1019411734338162688-DiWsXMpX4AEJi8sThese are photos I took after being tricked into moving by the CIA, in Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina — location of the CIA Torture Rendition Airport. The targeting was horrendous, frightening, terrorism, as if a war had been declared on me. I was fortunate that several local detectives came forward to help me, in particular, Jon, a former high level, state-level New York investigator. He went out of his way to aide me.  So-called grown men, in darkened fake police uniforms confronted me in a twisted sinister, yet laughable way. I found nothing funny about it. I was told it was because I’m an Independent who leans Democrat, others we’re told it was because I was a 911 Truther, but none heard the truth and what would you expect from torturing, thieving, lying, treasonous, raping, pedophilia, drug smuggling politicians and the corrupt agencies that work beside them?


CIA rendition flights from rustic North Carolina called to account by …17 Jan 2018 … Johnston County Airport terminal for Guantanamo Rendition CIA story … North Carolina Stop Torture Now, an organization she co-founded, …


I watched the CIA put up a Cell Tower in my honor, to point it at me placing me into what I believe was a Nanotech CERN DWAVE simulation playing everyone like a game. Listen to a former Nun, whom went through very similiar, when she reported the Priests she worked with for molesting her, only to learn it was run by the CIA MOSSAD located in of all places, Baltimore, Maryland, my husband and my former home, where he died.sh

Bethlehem Steel hired one of the top ten law firms in the country to take me on. They we’re guilty as hell and they knew it. All evidence showaned 99% their fault. These owners, JPMorgan/Rothschild are worth trillions, billions… rather than do the right thing, insured, or see me in court in front of a jury of my peers, one that they’re own deposition said would never turn me down.. no court room in America, they put me on a Satellite weapons bio-warfare, cybernetic hellish experimentation program.


Every literal day for three long years, they brought out a cooker as in the ‘people cooker’ for microwaving a human being in a CIA exponentiation NAZI style and you pay for this if you’re an American. It always faced my home so I’d see it. To the right, behind the crazed parked white truck is a plastic SATELLITE dish to emphasis that I was under satellite surveillance. Welcome to the New world order, NAZI STASI style. And, I was all alone while the military from Ft Bragg NC actually participated as did the NAVY while I was down in Florida. They not only chased and watched me while i was in my bank, they chased me out of my home after home till I was solid broke.


Citizens’ report shines light on NC role in CIA torture program

6 Oct 2018 … A report by the North Carolina Commission of Inquiry on Torture details how a Johnston County airport and private air carrier were tied to CIA torture … Aero Contractors, …

CIA: North Carolina was key in maintaining the worldwide network

25 Jun 2018 … The N.C. Commission of Inquiry on Torture has produced evidence that … aircraft based at the Johnston County Airport in Smithfield and the …


The truth is I was preparing for a two week court period, whereas I was to go up against Bethlehem Steel/Ship corporation for the horrendous death of my husband on their property–and it was their fault 99% later learned the government hid from me that it was 100 percent the corporation’s fault, they killed him due to faulty equipment they knew was going to blow and its exactly what it did — it blew him in half.THey left him lying there as he rose his arm in the air. N so one would touch him, order not to. *Don’t touch damning evidence* My God. He wanted someone to hold his hand.

Me at my late husband’s grave



George went down in sad history, as one of the sickest, most injured human beings ever to suffer the catastrophic injuries that he did, and remained alive for five long sad days. After I donated his medical records to the US Military/Government to save lives in Iraqi, later learned a complete lie including committing 911 as an inside job, they US Military/CIA Government Coop-d’tat (after assassinating JFK & his brother) placed me on a Satellite, Cell Tower, Smart-Grid, UAV, Drones and Bio-Weapons (Morgellons) experimentation list – you’re treated horrendously. These bastards will torture just to torture and they’re robbing the American people blind doing so. They belong in prison.

Yes, he was still alive and talking, however raspy. He lived for five long insufferable days laying in Shock Trauma, in downtown Baltimore, MD at the Md University, a building he actually worked on, foundation up. He went down in global history as the sickest, most injured human being to ever suffer the injuries he sustained, and was still aware, still able to understand that I was there and speaking to him. Three days after his passing, the head Shock Trauma doctor called me asking if I’d leave his medical records to the US Military to save lives in Iraqi. Innocent of any wrong doings, at that time, of the US Government, not political whatsoever, I said yes. In return, the CIA0coop d’tat government came after me for more trauma experimentation and to this day, I am insufferably tortured from helicopters, satellites, UAV hovers, drones, cell towers and everyone’s cellphones and smart meters, and their Artificial intelligence SKYNET. I have almost died on several occasions. One in particular happened in 2014, while walking my then dog (since passed on from their chemical bio poisoning of my property) while targeting me so badly with stealth radar signals that I couldn’t walk or think straight, I was shot in the left side of my back (later learned, they collapsed my lung) and trachea collapsed, as well.

I was 4 1/2 years of age, when I first met my later-in-life husband. George grew-up behind our home with his brothers, and sisters and Mom. He was highly intelligent, more so then most, above average, great joke teller, loved simple things in life like fishing and never, ever did he let me shovel snow, or mow the law (something I always wanted to do) and he cooked even after ten to fourteen hour long days. He was a super strong, loyal worker, whom rarely missed but a day a year, if that. He was the one who showed-up when it was icy or snowing. After thirty long years, and after he died, the CIA stole his pension. That’s right. It was left to me only. I’m now 1899.00 a month broke.

BastardsThe first photo (upper left) is a yellow gurney, placed in my direct line of view behind my then home. It represents how my late-husband was taken from the job site to Shock Trauma. This went on for three long strange years. During this time, the CIA – DOD would drive in and out of my driveway in loud pick-up trucks, while a plane flew over my home. Things we’re done to me neurally, so I’d think the train in the background was part of it–timing. Gunshots would go off, while occult like seance took place behind my home on full nightly moons chanting my name around a fire where that gurney  is. Nazi flags we’re flown in pickup trucks, motorcycles we’re timed to my opening doors and I caught them surveilling me from the television. Low lying satellites we’re involved, shooting beams into the house, killing one of my pets, maiming the other for life.  Everywhere I went, I’d hear snapping sounds. Electronics we’re aimed at me, speaking directly to me. Neighbors participated strangely. Spooky figures we’re hung in trees direct at me. They actually tore down a shed in my honor (it wasn’t funny). Cars, 4 at a time in perfect unison, would go back and forth for my eyes only, no matter where I went. People would follow me on trains (always males) wearing CIA insgina caps. Cars zoomed by me as my car was hit with strange thuds. Cars chased me down. Strange creepy guys, probably spies in training, military types (CIA DOD: Dr. Duncan) pointed spy devices at me and when in my home. Evidence was repeatedly destroyed, shooting at my computer while zooming up the small residential streets/roads. Mind you, NO ONE NOTICED or chose not to.  Whoa to those whom know and turn their backs on 5’2″ ladies. I went to one neighbor, a man and his wife whom I got to know. I begged them to help me stating ‘they are killing me…’ His wife crawled into a ball in the corner of their entry door and I just can’t make these things up, while he in a state of total fear said he couldn’t — that he had two daughters to think of.

Recooperating from Surgery
Sent home on less than 40% chance of life


There’s much more… this happened in a subdivision and I’d swear it was unworldly off-planet like. But thanks to CIA Scientist Duncan, I learned that the technology and weapons system, as well as the ionized synthetic atmosphere sprayed down upon us in the form of Geoengineering aka Chemtrails working with HAARP CERN and DWAVE as well as Cell towers and cellphones, smart meters aka smart grid all work togeather with the wireless WIFI etc., referred to as the IoT (Interne of all things) to create what they refer to as a SENTIENT WORLDWIDE SIMULATION for complete full spectrum of dominance… this is a world domination by the elite old Venetian bloodline criminals.



Targeting is Cybernetic Mind Control

They assassinated JFK, our last legitimate President, next to Carter. It was a coup d’tat on the US Government and our military, hence the industrial corporate scientific medical complex was born, the one Eisenhower warned us of, all without any revelation of truths to the American people. They literally destroyed our image to the world of freedom, and give me your tired, your weak… behind the scenes committing one atrocity after another. They should all be in prison, charged with treason to the Constitution and the American people Simply stated: They’re traitors–period.  — Lissa

His writings on all of the targeting and take-down of America can be found here — Decipher’s the Matrix; his Facebook timeline is very revealing. He’s fighting the good fight to regain our freedoms, as he states we’re loosing them. And, I sadly agree.

Duncan authored Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed: Robert Duncan: 8601410314958: Books – Amazon.ca


Volume 2 details the CIA’s practices of interrogation and cybernetic mind control in their pursuit to weaponize neuropsychology. It covers the art of bio-communication war. Human beings are complex machines but their inner workings have been deciphered. Mind control and brainwashing have been perfected in the last 60 years. Hacking computers and hacking into individual minds are similar.

The 21st century will be known as the age of

spiritual machines and soulless men. — Duncan

They succeeded over 30 years ago and the technology is now close to perfected. There is a stalking phenomenon occurring in America and around the world. Read “Terrorist Stalking in America” for another perspective. There are three kinds of stalkers one of which have been released by the freedom of information act documents that describe government stalking programs, or goon squads as they are called in slang. CIA and other agencies training their employees for intimidation tactics abroad and in the US are one form of the members of terrorist stalking gangs. The CIA has used these tactics to help overthrow governments and intimidate leaders of other countries many times in history.

The second purpose is to play into society’s programming that people who think government agents are following them are crazy. Discrediting an individual threw mud slinging, black mail, or erratic behavior has been a high priority documented skill for these agencies. The other two types of stalkers are more dopes and victims of zombification. The global system, TAMI, can hone in on a compatible mind and instantly be able to manipulate it to some varying degree dependent upon many factors. The offense practices their trade by influencing people near a targeted individual to convey information only pertinent to them, for spy games. These people are everyday citizens unfamiliar with this high technology. The effects are so subtle without lots of training to detect, nobody would be the wiser. They would at most just question why they did that or felt the need to say that. The third category of stalkers is the most disturbing. True zombies are created through the “voice of god” microwave hearing effects. Some people become complete believers that God is talking to them and telling them what to do, be it follow someone or kill on command. John Lennon’s killer claimed voices kept saying “do it, do it” over and over again.

TAMI came on line in 1976, and John Lennon was killed in 1980.

What do haunted houses, ghosts, alien abductions, and the Bermuda Triangle have in common?

Remember how the air becomes electrified before a haunting by the appearance of a poltergeist in movies inspired by this weapons testing on the public? We’ve busted our ghost in the machine! Remember how planes would be downed in the Bermuda Triangle because their compass needles and instruments would go haywire? Those were directed energy attacks from the Puerto Rico Radar field built in 1959. Remember all the shows about cars stalling and radio stations flipping right before an alien abduction scenario? These are all the same RADAR tricks but with varying degrees of lethality. These tricks are all done by the same technology and the usual criminals in the bowls of the beast.

Who gave the chimps the gun? Who are the chimps’ handlers? They are the high traitors and should be hung according to the law of the land for training the chimps to attack their own country and provoke wars around the world. The cost in terms of human misery for maintaining such a large killing machine is far too great, just so insecure, frightened Americans can delude themselves into safety. (See the section on the probability of being killed by the US machine vs. foreign governments, terrorists, sharks, or lightening). The war machine that is supposed to make people safe is statistically their biggest threat. Ignorance may be bliss, but what you don’t know can hurt you.

DARPA, CIA Scientist & Engineering Dr. Robert Duncan … – YouTube

Van Eck Hacking
Hacking the human brain

Computer hackers are always finding ways to zombify as many machines as they can. This means that they find a way to hack into your system and install remote control software of some sort. The Military’s programs, called Zombie I-V, were similar in goal. They wanted to be able to hack into people’s minds and create remote controlled zombies.

More to follow.

URL – http://thoughtlessness23.blogspot.com/

Related readings:

Banning Hidden Weapons of Mass Coercion & Depopulation: Direct-Energy Weapons for Political Control


Courtesy of Elana Freeland

She writes:

“Antipersonnel weapons euphemistically known as “non-lethal” weapons include sonic, phaser… psychotronic scalar wave and infrared weapons—any of which might be wheeled into any neighborhood…”

We have major problems — we’re up against tyrannical olgarthy’s, totaltariun military (US, yes) and UK and the rest of the 5+ nations who will stop at nothing from Chemtrails, Cellphones & deadly Celltowers, biological’s sprayed down on us to military-mm 5G grade and the deadly smartmeters and NSA listening to everyone… who work for TPTB who want all of us gone.– Lissa
Quote from Elana’s blog:
In his “Citizen Smith” blog, researcher Paul Baird described the process this way:
“Human thought operates at 5,000 bits/sec but satellites and various forms of biotelemetry can deliver those thoughts to supercomputers in Maryland,
USA, Israel, etc. which have a speed of 20 billion bits/sec each. These, even today, monitor millions of people simultaneously.
Eventually they will monitor almost everyone…worse than any Orwellian ‘Big Brother’ nightmare you could possibly imagine, only it will be a reality. Yet our world leaders, who know this, do nothing.
“…Usually the targets are aware their brain waves are being monitored because of the accompanying neurophone feedback. In other words, the computer repeats (echoes) your own thoughts and then the human monitors comment or respond verbally.”
“Both are facilitated by the neurophone.”
Cognitive Warfare
When Senator Church referred to “this agency [the NSA] and all agencies that possess this technology” in 1975, he was not just thinking of the NSA, CIA and FBI but the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) as well. The “asymmetric” “Revolution in Military Affairs” has always included cognitive warfare that utilises “strategic personality simulations” (multiple personalities) created by MK-ULTRA for varied covert missions. The
cognotechnology of nanotechnology, biotechnology and information technology has
always been front and centre.
Intel operatives are traumatised and electroshocked to erase memories, US Navy SEAL
assassins are brain-wiped, soldiers are injected with intelligence-manned interface (IMI) biotics so that 20-billion-bit/second NSA supercomputers can track them.
It doesn’t take a rocket science degr ee to see that remote satellite tracking and over-the-horizon technologies are not just about “terrorists”. and see and hear what they experience with a remote monitoring system (RMS).
Now, the line between civilian and military has been erased and we are all living in the battlespace. Private security firms, mobsters and lowlifes contracting with the intelligence community are doing its dirty work so that congressional oversight can be avoided.
In 2001, HR2977, the US Space Preservation Act of 2001 was introduced into Congress to
ban all directed-energy weapons (DEWs). After several rewrites, it failed to be passed.
• In 2002, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research formally listed a new category of weapon of mass destruction: Psychotronic Mind Control and other Electromagnetic Resonance Weapons.
As former US Navy engineer Eleanor White writes:
“For the first time in history, one human being, from hiding, at a distance, can control the thoughts and actions of another by way of undetectable hypnosis, using still-classified electronic technology. These devices have totally disabled the world’s justice systems… Zero-evidence weapons make revenge crimes routine and easy.”

Loss of freedom of thought means much more than the loss of a republic. It means the loss of civilisation and what it is to be human .

These costs of sleeping in our chains of comfort and convenience are too much to pay.

The 5G Call To Action Community Summit peaceinspace.org, “Banning Hidden Weapons of Mass Coercion & Depopulation.”

5G / Internet of Things (IoT) a DEW system in contravention of the 4th Geneva Convention and International Criminal Court Treaty ratified by 118 nations, excluding the U.S., Israel, Russia, China, and Iran.

Alfred Lambremont Webre, a targeted individual (TI) himself, dedicates the presentation to the Princess Diana (1961-1997) who on January 15, 1997 protested for the 1997 Ottawa Land Mines Treaty by walking onto an Angola active minefield. Diana was assassinated seven months later on August 31, 1997 (sacred to Hekate, goddess of witchcraft).