CIA Gone Rogue: The Surveillance State Examined, Validated, Exposed

Repeated surveillance abuse by the CIA, violates the law and the Constitution. In spite of repeated slap-downs by Congress and Federal Courts, the CIA (and their counterparts) has belligerently increased surveillance instead of obeying the law. In short, the Intel community in the U.S. has gone rogue. It is uncontrollable, has a mind and agenda of its own, and has no intent of changing. This is a must-read story.  TN Editor

Under the law that created the CIA in 1947, there was a bright line barring the agency from spying on Americans… partly over concerns about civil liberties, privacy and political abuse. After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, there was widespread support for stepped up security even if it meant stepping on jealously-guarded constitutional protections. Some worried: Would the government take its new powers too far? With recent disclosures, the answer may be– yes. Today’s cover story examines, “The Surveillance State.”

Pete Hoekstra: They know who you’re talking to, they know your communications patterns. So whether you’re doing it through social media, or know through emails or through phone calls or these types of things, they know who you’re talking to.

CIA Gone Rogue: The Surveillance State Examined, Validated, Exposed

CIA Gone Rogue: The Surveillance State Examined, Validated, Exposed